Tuesday, May 09, 2006

WHat's uP dUDe ? tHE rEAl StOrY oF M'SiA

"We do sell some ecstasy pills and that is how we make a living, me and my friends,"

"We do take girls for prostitution, and this is much easier to do than ecstasy because usually the government will not bother us when we do this."

"If I want to operate on a particular street and ask a politician to ask the authorities not to disturb me, the politician might say: 'It's impossible to have zero arrests, so you can operate on certain hours and we will patrol after those hours' - so it's a win-win situation,"

"If my tai ko asks us to deal with someone, even if we kill that person, we won't be worried, because if the police arrest us, my tai ko will get me out,"

"Last time I was taken in the front door of the [police] lock-up, and right away I walk out of the back door."
So who runs your world?" I asked - to which he gave a simple reply : "The government".

"If the government doesn't want to be a bit lenient with us and if they are strict about everything, then there's no way that I can make a living. There's no work,"

( Petikan daripada temuramah Jonathan Kent dengan seorang ketua kongsi gelap untuk ruangan Who Run Your World ? di BBC News )

Shocking ah !.. aku dah lama dah dengar cerita ni.. citer pasal dunia konsi gelap yang ada link baik ngan someone2.. aku dah lama dengar dah citer psl kedurjanaan depa dah ni.. tapi tak de prove jer.. so bila aku baca temuramah wartaman BBC News dengan sorang ketua kongsi gelap di Malaysia ni dan pengakuan dia.. confirm ah citer yang aku dengar.. kau orang nilai sendiri ler petikan2 temuramah kat atas tu.. kau org fikir sendiri ler sapa sebenarnya musang yang berbulu ayam.. aku malas nak fikir.. kau org fikir sendiri yer.. sape agaknya politician yang dia maksudkan.. sape polis yang dia maksudkan.. ini ler sistem yang kita ada.. even penjenayah pun setuju kalau kerajaan benar2 telus dan tegas depa sendiri tak boleh nak cari makan.. so Who Run Your World ? Goverment beb.. goverment beb.. sendiri mau ingat itu pengakuan tai ko tu sendiri ! ini ler negara ku yang islam hadari ! tauXpe